Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Manhattan;

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Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

Manhattan (dzielnica Nowego Jorku)

Wordnet angielsko-polski

(a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters)

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

To try this, I went to a Mario Batali restaurant in Manhattan -- Del Posto.
By ich spróbować, poszedłem do restauracji Maria Matali na Manhattanie -- do Del Posto.


I recommend that you take advice given in the Manhattan Declaration.
Zalecam, aby kierował się pan radą przekazaną w deklaracji manhattańskiej.


Its position, of course, in the middle of Manhattan -- it's on Hunter's Point.
Oczywiście ulokowany jest na środku Manhattanu - na Hunter's Point.


This crushed black hole actually would fit inside Manhattan, more or less.
Taka zgnieciona czarna dziura mogłaby się zmieścić na Manhattanie.


To try this one, the maker of it let me and my wife spend the night in the Manhattan showroom.
W ramach próby jego wytwórca pozwolił mi i żonie spędzić noc w salonie na Manhattanie.


We meet in a Manhattan cafe. She arrives on foot, alone, long, black dress, no make-up, flat sandals, sore ankles from where high heels have been rubbing. I look for Sam Mendes hiding round a corner with his high-art posse. Nothing doing. Does she live round here? No, she says apologetically, she's not been here before. So where is home these days? "That's a good question."
We speak as she dashes through Manhattan between meetings. Taxis honk and men yell as she quietly talks about her childhood, growing up under "vast blue skies". She describes the "beautiful, raw land", the space. And then the way that New York shook her up, "the way it does everyone". It was when she returned to Ethiopia from the USA, where pregnancy is so celebrated, that she became involved in raising awareness of her home country's maternal health crisis. In Ethiopia a mother dies in childbirth every minute, leaving her baby 10 times less likely to survive past the age of two.
Stowe, 58, sailed his 70ft schooner, Anne, on the last short hop â?? from New Jersey to Manhattan â?? completing a trip that has taken him round the world, lasted more than three years, set a record for the longest continuous sea voyage, and presented him with the biggest surprise of all: the young son he had never seen.
Five of the suspects briefly appeared in a Manhattan federal court yesterday, where a judge ordered them to remain in prison until a preliminary hearing set for 27 July.
The FBI appears to have known of the spy ring since at least 2000, and tracked its every move, covertly observing numerous encounters in Manhattan coffee bars, in which the "agents" would send data to their Russian handlers via wireless from their laptops. Often, however the technology broke down, causing desperate pleas for Moscow to sort out the problem.
Her reply is: "No, I think it was the Hamptons." Another alleged spy, Mikhail Semenko, posted personal photos on the Russian social networking website Odnoklassniki. One shows him posing in front of the White House; another in his swimming trunks on Miami beach; a third with a blonde against the Manhattan skyline.
The oldest "extension" of the original Manhattan museum is the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice. This is simply the great collector and patron's home: it makes sense to see Guggenheim's paintings by Pollock, Ernst and Magritte in the palazzo where she lived. The way her superb collection of modern art stimulated the Venice Biennale must have fuelled the Guggenheims' later global ambitions. Frank Gehry's 1990s Guggenheim in Bilbao set a new standard for museum design and he is also building the Abu Dhabi branch. The Berlin outlet, by contrast, is an architecturally reserved showcase for new art near the Brandenburg Gate.
Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man (Jonathan Cape) is a beautifully written and elegantly frank memoir by Bill Clegg. Once an upwardly-mobile young Manhattan literary agent, Clegg collapsed into suicidal crack addiction â?? in flight from his loves, his promise, his past and himself. The book is desperately honest about his childhood afflictions and his appetites without making excuses or appealing for pity â?? there are no easy fixes and no flinching; there is simply a lyrical, funny and shattering narration of a long, hard path. Clegg's subsequent entry into a process of recovery is handled with dignity, and his return to the world of books â?? one of his deepest and earliest loves â?? along with the act of creating the book itself are quietly and wonderfully redemptive.
Since Domingo never disappoints, there will be the usual expenditure of vocal energy, in a graver, mellower register than we heard in his heyday as a virile tenor, when he wailed in erotic torment as Don Jos?© in Carmen or sounded a revolutionary battle cry as the freedom-fighter Cavaradossi in Tosca. Now 69, Domingo has relaunched himself as a baritone; although Boccanegra spends the second half of the opera melodiously dying, what we will be witnessing is the reincarnation of a performer who is, despite his white hair, ageless and indomitable. There is extra cause for jubilation, since Domingo has recovered from surgery earlier this year to remove some cancerous polyps from his colon. The emergency caused him to cancel his performances in Handel's Tamerlano at Covent Garden, but within a month he was commuting between the opera companies he runs in Washington and Los Angeles while singing throughout Europe and taking a side trip to open an offshoot of his Manhattan restaurant Pampano on a man-made island in the Persian Gulf. It will of course end with stamping, whistling, cheering pandemonium. Tomorrow Domingo will be back in the air, where he can usually be found if he is not on stage.
The "rebound" is what your lifeless, smashed body may well do, bouncing 15 inches off the asphalt, having thrown yourself from the top of the nearest tall building in despair at having watched this truly horrendous romcom. Sleek Catherine Zeta-Jones â?? her eyes as dead as an alligator's â?? plays Sandy, a super-attractive older mom from the 'burbs who moves to Manhattan with the kids after divorcing her cheating scumbag of a husband. She finds herself drawn to Aram, played by Justin Bartha (from The Hangover), a mixed-up young guy who has had his heart broken. Aram agrees to babysit Sandy's kids while she starts her new job, working at a cable sports channel. Needless to say, Aram's gentle charming nature is a breath of fresh air after the horrible conceited middle-aged bores that Sandy keeps getting fixed up with, and she and Aram embark on a May-to-September romance, each of whose plot transitions feels like getting a tooth wrenched out without anaesthetic. On entering the cinema and seeing this movie on offer, my advice is to rebound in the opposite direction.

If you ever come look us up in Manhattan, feel free to call first.
Jeżeli kiedykolwiek będziecie chcieli wpaść na centralny Manhattan, zadzwońcie najpierw. Serio nie, zadzwońcie.

We came all the way to Manhattan, and for what?
Przejechaliśmy całą drogę na Manhattan i po co?

I can't wait to get out of here and move to Manhattan.
Nie mogę się doczekać, żeby się stąd wyprowadzić i mieszkać na Manhattanie.

You live an hour out, and you've never been to Manhattan?
Mieszkasz godzinę drogi od Manhattanu i nigdy tam nie byłeś?

You hit that part of Manhattan, the world comes to a stop.
Uderzysz w tę część Manhattanu, a świat zostanie zachwiany.

I got to live in Manhattan to be a player.
Jak mam się liczyć, to muszę mieszkać na Manhattanie.

But my night in Manhattan had taught me one thing.
Ale moja noc na Manhattanie, nauczyła mnie jednego.

The Manhattan end will be the first place to fill up!
Manhattan będzie pierwszym miejscem, które wypełni się wodą.

Yeah, and you're once again walking the streets of Manhattan a free man.
I znów będziesz mógłbyś chodzić po Manhattanie jako wolny człowiek.

I got 20 hits in manhattan and western long island.
Mam 20 trafień na Manhattanie i zachodnim Long Island.

You mean the detectives in Manhattan have no idea where she's gone?
To znaczy, że detektywi z Manhattanu nie mają pojęcia, gdzie ona jest?

You know there are 17 rats per person in Manhattan?
Wiesz, że na Manhattanie przypada 17 szczurów na osobę?

No, but Manhattan has the best skyline in the world.
Nie, ale Manhattan ma najlepszą linię horyzontu na świecie.

I'll make him a Manhattan with two cherries in it.
Zrobię mu Manhattan z dwiema wisienkami.

The times food critic called it the best new restaurant in Manhattan.
Kulinarny krytyk z Timesa okrzyknął ją najlepszą nową restauracją na Manhattanie.

Even back then cheap apartments were hard to find in Manhattan.
Nawet wtedy było trudno znaleźć tanie mieszkanie na Manhattanie.

We have every cop in Manhattan looking for this cab.
Każdy gliniarz na Manhattanie szuka tej taksówki.

I hitchhiked to Manhattan, moved in with an older guy.
Pojechałam na Manhattan autostopem, wprowadziłem się do starszego faceta.

In and out of nearly every private school in Manhattan.
Wyrzucili ją z prawie każdej prywatnej szkoły na Manhattanie.

Now,i want to send my driver into manhattan to pick up dessert.
Chciałbym wysłać kierowcę na Manhattan po deser.

What are the odds of an asteroid making impact on Manhattan?
Jakie są szanse na to, że ta asteroida uderzy w Manhattan? Astronomiczne.

Soon we'll be able to transport the rods into Manhattan.
Wkrótce będziemy gotowi do przetransportowania prętów na Manhattan.

She would've had to do it through Manhattan Security, my company.
Musiałaby to zrobić przez Manhatan Security czyli moją firmę.

So late there wasn't a cab left in Manhattan, huh?
Do póżna. Tak długo, że niebyło żadenej taksówki w Manhattanie?.

What kind of young lady's never been to Manhattan?
Jaka to dziewczyna nie była nigdy na Manhattanie?

I'm getting reports from numerous aircraft about smoke in Manhattan.
Otrzymuję informacje z licznych samolotów o dymie nad Manhattanem.

She could make a fortune in Manhattan with this handwriting.
Z tym pismem zbiłaby fortunę na Manhattanie.

Those things are harder to get into than Manhattan preschools.
Ciężej się tam dostać, niż do przedszkola na Manhattanie.

You had a nice view of Manhattan and a clean lunchroom to eat in.
Miałeś piękny widok na Manhattan i czystą stołówkę na lunch.

Could you imagine your father? We'd still be in Manhattan.
Czy wyobrażasz sobie, żeby twój ojciec nadal był na Manhattanie?

My money's just as green in Manhattan as anywhere else.
Moje pieniądze są tak samo zielone na Manhattanie, jak gdziekolwiek indziej.

Cold or not, it's good to be back in Manhattan,
Zimno czy nie, dobrze być znów na Manhattanie.

Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.
Wasze jedyne źródło informacji o skandalicznym życiu elity Manhattanu.

He is removed by force, and taken to Manhattan Hospital.
Zelig zostaje wyprowadzony siłą i zawieziony do szpitala na Manhattanie.

Because if you ever set foot in manhattan again, I will know...
Bo jeśli twoja stopa postanie kiedykolwiek na Manhattanie, dowiem się.

Just a bunch of books about mobsters and Manhattan in the '40s.
Masa książek o gangsterach i Manhattanie w latach 40.

Manhattan is a place you can get anything anytime.
Manhattan jest takim miejscem, w którym możesz dostać wszystko o każdej porze

Then you can begin your panic-driven quest back to Manhattan.
Wtedy może pan zacząć swój paniczny odwrót na Manhattan.

How many wells you got up there in Manhattan?
Ile szybów naftowych jest w pobliżu Manhattan?

Next time you're near Manhattan, do ring me up.
Następnym razem, jak tylko zawitasz na Manhattan, zadzwoń do mnie.

You're in Manhattan. I can tell by the traffic sounds.
Więc jesteś na Manhattanie, mogę to powiedzieć po dźwiękach ruchu drogowego.

If we go with your theory, Adam, the money is still in Manhattan.
Dobra, jeśli uznamy twoją teorię, Adam, forsa z napadu wciąż jest na Manhattanie.

Dr. Manhattan arrives and no one thinks to tell me.
Dr Manhattan już tu jest, a ja nic o tym nie wiem.

This island of Manhattan, what sort of kingdom is it?
Ta wyspa Manhattan. Co to za królestwo?

If Wilson had cancer, there'd be no reason for him to drive three hours to Manhattan.
Jeżeli Wilson miał raka, nie byłby żadnym powodem ponieważ jego, by jechać trzy godziny do Manhattanu.

In fact, it's clear that Jason has done more than take Manhattan.
W zasadzie, oczywistym jest, że Jason dokonał czegoś więcej, niż tylko zdobył Manhattan.

I recommend that you take advice given in the Manhattan Declaration.
Zalecam, aby kierował się pan radą przekazaną w deklaracji manhattańskiej.

And overnight, everyone in Manhattan had a cell phone. Can you hear me now?
I w nocy, każdy w Manhattanie miał telefon komórki. słyszysz mnie teraz?

And if you'll just sign this document giving us all of Manhattan...
I jeśli podpiszesz ten dokument, który oddaje cały Manhattan... Chwila.

Maybe not in nature, but they do at the Manhattan Conservatory.
W naturze może nie, ale na pewno w Manhattan Conservatory.