Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Also up on the third floor that morning, "where my bank was", was Ted Wilson, pastor at Grand Boulevard Baptist church and part-time chaplain to the Oklahoma Fire Department, now ministering full-time to fire officers who, he says, "are still coming, after 15 years, suddenly traumatised, their brains finally processing this information, after all this time". Wilson is also a qualified intermediate paramedic, and objected to "the bodies of the children being laid out in their playground â?? a bad omen for later. They said they had to be close by the building, but we did move 'em to a parking lot." Before long, Wilson had "gotten in through a skylight to be working to release a trapped woman, still alive, on the third floor where my bank was. I was working with a tall state trooper, and the scare came for a second bomb and for us to evacuate the building. The trooper said he wasn't leaving the lady, and I said, 'Well, if you're not going, I ain't either.' So we kind of had the place to ourselves â?? and I located the lady's purse on top of the desk. Now there's two things a lady needs to be accounting for, her hair and her purse. Well, her hair was pretty messed up, but I said: "Ma'am, you needn't worry 'bout your purse, and you needn't worry about yourself either.' We became friends after she was released from hospital, Nancy Ingrams by name â?? she passed away just last year."
The results of Saville's hearing will be released to the public at 3.30pm on Tuesday when David Cameron announces its publication to the House of Commons.
Strange spin-off: The movie Ferry Cross the Mersey, starring Gerry and the Pacemakers, was released in 1965 under the tagline: "The big beat is back with the excitingest new pacemaking pack!"
Strange spin-off: Cameron Crowe's romantic comedy Singles, released in 1992, starred Matt Dillon as a grunge musican singing Touch Me, I'm Dick, a version of Mudhoney's best-known song. His band in the movie features members of real Seattle grunge acts.
Alistair Darling will demand "a very big apology" from David Cameron for deliberately misleading the electorate about the state of the nation's finances if, as Darling expects, government borrowing figures released on Monday are better than forecast.
"I was shocked when I was released from the police station in the early hours of 2 April to see that I was plastered all over the newspapers and described as a violent agitator at the G20 protests," Brown said tonight.
The inquiry has often referred to documents obliquely in oral hearings but has not released them. It says the decisions to disclose or release official papers is a matter for the individual departments from where they originated.
The health service issued 39.1m prescriptions for drugs to tackle depression in England in 2009, compared with 20.1m in 1999 â?? a 95% jump. Doctors handed out 3.18m more prescriptions last year than in 2008, almost twice the annual rise seen in preceding years, according to previously unpublished statistics released by the NHS's Business Services Authority.
â?? Please Give is released next Friday.
Judging by an audio excerpt of Beck's prose released last week, the book has no pretensions to the highbrow. Here is Beck introducing his hero: "He had spent a full decade building what most guys would call an outstanding record of success with the ladies. Good looking, great jobâ?? Noah had all the credentials for a killer eHarmony profile." Noah's love interest is described as "hot, but it was an aloof and effortless hotness that almost double-dared you to bring it up".
Man, I can not believe we leased a car last night.
Człowiek, ja nie mogę wierzyć my braliśmy w dzierżawę samochód ostatnią noc.
Like we did when you leased that expensive car for the summer?
Tak jak wtedy, kiedy wypożyczyłeś ten drogi samochód na lato?
My mother's the lady that leased this place to you and your father.
Moja mama jest kobietą, która wynajmuje to miejsce tobie i twojemu ojcu.
This entire floor was leased by a high-powered law firm.
Całe piętro było wynajmowane, przez wpływową firmę prawniczą.
The company you leased asked for us to check up on you.
Firma, od której dzierżawicie teren, prosiła, żeby was sprawdzić.
You recently leased a warehouse facility down by the Houston docks.
Wynająłeś ostatnio magazyn w okolicy doków w Houston.
In various cases previously institutions have purchased or leased property at prices above the market rate.
Dotychczas często zdarzało się, że instytucje nabywały lub dzierżawiły nieruchomości w cenie przekraczającej stawkę rynkową.
Now, 99 years ago your club leased the land from the owner of record
lat temu twój klub dzierżawił ziemię od właściciela, którego wpis jest w księdze wieczystej
In the past, there were instances where European institutions bought or leased property for prices above the market value.
W przeszłości były przypadki, gdy europejskie instytucje kupiły lub wydzierżawiły nieruchomości po cenach powyżej wartości rynkowych.
The leased territory is ahead, the foreign troops will be coming soon
Wydzierżawione terytorium jest przed nami, zagraniczni żołnierze zaraz tu będą.
Your father leased this house from me.
Twój ojciec wynajmuje ode mnie ten dom.
The airplanes were usually in his name, leased in his name.
Samoloty były zazwyczaj na jego nazwisko wynajmowane na jego nazwisko.
Why is it leased to this Act Promotion?
Czemu mieszkanie jest dzierżawione przez ten Act Promotion?
So you leased her an apartment?
Więc, wynajął jej pan apartament?
Warehouse building in Austin, leased to Jones' attorney.
Magazyn w Austin, Wynajęty przez prawnika Jonesa.
Apartment's leased in her name.
Mieszkanie wynajęte na jej nazwisko.
As our national poet says: 'This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land, ... is now leased out - I die pronouncing it - like to a tenement or pelting farm.'
Nasz pisał nasz narodowy poeta: "Kraj dusz tak dzielnych, ten drogi kraj, drogi, (...) poszedł w dzierżawę - w tym słowie śmierć dla mnie - jakby osada lub zagroda licha!”.