anat. knee
~ stłuczone - contused kne, knee bruise
~ ugięte - bent knee
1. (hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella)
knee, knee joint, human knee, articulatio genus, genu
2. (a length of pipe with a sharp bend in it)
elbow: : synonim: kolanko
3. (the part of a trouser leg that provides the cloth covering for the knee)
knee: :
klęczeć na ~nach to be on one's knees
komputer "
na ~na"
laptop (computer)
do kolan (wysoki) knee-high
po ~na (zanurzony) knee-deep
ntr knee (rury) joint (rzeki) bend, turn
po kolana - kneedeep
robić coś na kolanie - to do sth in a slapdash way
genu n, knee n
knee, genu
n knee
techn. (kolan-ko) joint
(rzeki) bend, turn
anat. knee