(Noun) muzyka harfiarz, harfiarka;
harp - (Noun) muzyka harfa;
(someone who plays the harp)
harfiarz, harfista
synonim: harpist
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
On the face of it, [the OBR figures] might seem to relieve the pressure for an additional fiscal tightening, or even make room for tax cuts. But we suspect that the government will still want to err on the side of caution, if only for political reasons. Note too that we don't yet know what the government's fiscal mandate will be - it may require a significantly sharper fall in borrowing than the new forecasts imply. As such, we still expect a pretty tough budget next week.
Certainly Harper Lee would never have imagined, when she wrote To Kill a Mockingbird (Arrow), that 50 years later Obama would be president. I'm packing that too, because I want to reread it, to revisit the small town of Maycomb, to remember the words of Tom, the accused black man: "If you was a nigger like me, you'd be scared too." I like to think of the conversation that Lee would have with Obama, or, even better, that Atticus Finch would have with Obama, and to think what can happen in the long and short time of half a century.
My first choice is the powerful new book from Fergal Keane, which tells the harrowing story of one of the forgotten battles of the second world war. Road of Bones: The Siege of Kohima 1944 (Harper Press) takes us to Rangoon, to the dying days of empire and a particular siege, and a massacre, that reflects all human history through the story of the men and women who died on the road of bones.
I recommend The Magicians by Lev Grossman (Arrow) for the beach, followed by Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking (Harper Perennial).
Harper Press, Â?25
He added: "We are putting the priority on a sharper delivery of our strategy, aiming for profitable growth and a more competitive performance."
It promises to be a stormy passage. Observers calculate that the boundary changes â?? built round equalising the number of voters in a constituency â?? could be worth an extra 20 seats to the Tories. Labour calls it gerrymandering, and will oppose the bill at second reading. Harper insists this is a redressing of a current unfairness in the system.
Harper accepts that making size pre-eminent ahead of geography and community will mean constituencies, for the first time, cross county and local council borders, and possibly split wards. "It is a trade-off. The thing we have said is that seats have to be more equal in size, so that votes are more equal in weight."
Labour says there is a lost army of voters â?? as many as 3.5 million unregistered, mainly poor voters. Harper questions that. "Best estimates suggest 92% of the electorate are registered to vote, and it is not true all these missing voters are in Labour seats."
There have been allegations of voter fraud, but few prosecutions. Northern Ireland introduced the reform in 2006, since the country was perceived to have a bigger problem with fraud. The register fell sharply, and Harper said he was keen to ensure that people entitled to be on the register do not fall off.
What do you want from me, Harper, more than that?
Czego ode mnie chcesz, Harper, więcej niż to?
Joe Harper was one of the first guys with this union.
Joe Harper był jednym z pierwszych w tym związku.
He lost possession to Harper, tried to get it back.
On zgubił posiadanie do Harfiarza, wypróbowanego dostać to z powrotem.
I know the feeling. My car is stalled on harper and 3rd.
Znam to uczucie. Samochód mi się zepsuł na rogu Harper i Trzeciej.
You can ride with Harper on a trial basis, okay?
Możesz jeździć z Harper na próbę, ok?
I do favors for Harper and look how he treat me.
Oddawałam przysługi Harperowi I zobacz jak on mnie traktuje
I have to buy Harper a dress for the audition.
Muszę kupić Harper sukienkę na przesłuchanie.
I think reverend Harper might be responsible for what's happening.
Uważam, że pastor Harper może być odpowiedzialna za to, co się dzieje.
Come on, Harper, I want to get a table with a view.
Chodź Harper, chcę mieć stolik z widokiem.
Brooke Harper only used the credit card twice in the last two weeks.
Brooke Harper tylko dwa razy użyła swojej karty kredytowej w ostatnich 2 tygodniach.
Harper is there a chance your machine is working already?
Czy twoja maszyna już działa? A co?
Harper, do you think my bad side could've done something terrible to my parents?
Harper, myślisz, że moja zła część może zrobić coś niedobrego rodzicom?
So, um, Harper's really doing us all a big favor.
Harper naprawdę robi nam wszystkim dużą przysługę.
Harper, get the ice cream cake out of the freezer.
Harper, wyjmij tort lodowy z zamrażarki.
But before reverend Harper took up theology, she used to be a physicist.
Ale zanim pastor Harper zajęła się teologią, była fizykiem.
Mr Harper and myself are about some private business on the governor's request.
Pan Harper i ja mam tu kilka prywatnych spraw, na wniosek gubernatora.
Patrick Harper, my husband making a fool of himself over a gypsy girl.
Patrick Harper, mój mąż robi z siebie głupka z powodu jakiejś Cyganki.
Grandma and I are going to buy Harper a dress.
Babcia i ja wybieramy się kupić sukienkę Harper.
You got guts, Harper, coming in here like this.
Masz odwagę, Harper, tak tu przychodzić.
She's been on the cover of Harper's Bazaar three times already.
Była już trzy razy na okładkach Harper's Bazaar.
Mr. Harper wants to see you in his office.
Cześć, Jody. Pan Harper chcę cię widzieć w swoim biurze.
Harper breaking clear for Arsenal in the first minute.
Harfiarz łamiący się wyraźnie dla Arsenału w pierwszej minucie.
He's winning the harper avery award and being celebrated all over the world.
Wygrywa nagrodę Harpera-Avery'ego i jest sławny na całym świecie.
Lineup begins behind me, pal, And harper's in it, too.
Ustaw się w kolejce za mną i za Harperem
How old were you when Harper was born?
Ile miałaś lat, kiedy urodziłaś Harper?
And they do go direct, Harper. But by a circular route.
I pójdą bezpośrednio, Harper. tylko dłuższą trasą. panie Fosdyke,
You all better stop right about there, Harper.
Lepiej zatrzymaj się tam, gdzie stoisz, Harper.
Seamus Harper, you are confined to quarters until further notice.
Seamus Harper. Zamykam cię do odwołania.
Yes, I was with Brother Harper right up to the end.
Tak, byłem przy bracie Harperze do samego końca.
I'm wearing it because Harper asked me to.
Jestem tak ubrana, bo Harper mnie o to prosiła.
I had to go to 21 and have lunch with the Harper's Bazaar people.
Potem musiałam iść do 21 na lunch z ludźmi z Harper's Bazaar.
It's a man you need in the house, Willa Harper.
Potrzebny jest w twoim domu mężczyzna, Willo Harper.
How did you hear about this underground Ben Harper concert?
Jak się dowiedziałaś o podziemnym koncercie Bena Harpera?
It's easy for you to say stand easy, Harper.
Łatwo Ci mówić stać spokojnie, Harper.
Sergeant Harper is doing a job for me.
Sierżant Harper wykonuje dla mnie pewne zadanie.
How did Mr. Harper look when he approached you after the service?
A jak wyglądał Pan Harper, kiedy podszedł do Ciebie po pogrzebie? Był zaniedbany.
Gavin Harris with a little touch, he's given it to Harper.
Gawin Harris z małym dotknięciem, dano jemu to Harfiarzowi.
How come you're still a private soldier. Harper?
Jakim cudem nadal jesteś zwykłym żołnierzem, Harper?
Maybe you need time to reflect on it, Mr. Harper.
Może musi się pan nad tym zastanowić.
Mr. Harper is ready to pay off this bastard.
Pan Harper jest gotowy zapłacić temu draniowi.
This sword has served me through many an evil time, Ben Harper.
Ten miecz służył mi w wielu złych chwilach, Benie Harper.
We know someone who won the harper avery.
Znamy kogoś, kto zdobył nagrodę Harpera-Avery'ego.
And apparently you left Harper Manning to become a superhero.
A ty Harper Manning i zostałaś superbohaterką.
Harper, Rebecca Seberg from the school board is on her way here.
Harper, Rebecca Seberg z zarządu szkolnictwa jest w drodze.
I could eat you under the table, Roy Harper.
Mogłabym jeść po tobie z pod stołu, Royu Harper.
So you want me to speak to Sergeant Harper?
Zatem chce pan, abym porozmawiał z sierżantem Harperem?
Harper, I need a word with you.
Harper, muszę z toba porozmawiać.
Harper, I never pretended to be your daddy.
Harper, Nigdy nie udawałem twojego taty.
And Harper, your vehicle registration expires at the end of...
Harper, twój przegląd... wygasa pod koniec...