(Noun) nieustraszoność, odwaga;
(the trait of feeling no fear)
~ in the face of the enemy - nieustraszoność w obliczu wroga
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
There are a lot of things about this incident that strike me as very Mary Portas. There is a sort of fearlessness to her. That she'll always speak out rather than not speak out. There's also an innate theatricality to the way that she comports herself â?? she won a place at Rada in her teens, but didn't take it up because Lawrence was still at home. Most of all, though, she's possibly the most relentlessly upbeat person I've ever met.
By contrast, the great books about the American suburban experiences, such as Couples, have "a fearlessness that I am hungry for", he said.
Younger and less famous, but with the same fearlessness and fizz, the Teresa Carre??o Youth Orchestra are in London at the end of a European tour, performing Beethoven and Prokofiev's fifth symphonies in two concerts. The first thing to strike you is the immense volume: though crammed into every corner of the stage, these players still have room to take a swing at the music. The second is the precision. Beethoven intended fairly lean orchestras to play all but the last of his symphonies; and in the fifth the key is in the consistency of the attack and momentum.
I saw on Oprah that flying dreams symbolize fearlessness.
Widziałam w Oprah, że latające sny symbolizują niebojaźliwość.
Mary filled their hearts with fearlessness.
Maryja wypełniła ich serca nieustraszonością.