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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I lived in Stratford-on-Avon until about five years ago.
Jeszcze 5 lat temu mieszkałem na obrzeżach Stratford.


A business in my constituency, Avon Protection, is a world leader in the manufacture of gas masks.
Działająca w moim okręgu wyborczym firma Avon Protection jest światowym liderem w produkcji masek gazowych.


Avon believes that its patents have been infringed by a South Korean firm making what are quite simply copies.
Avon uważa, że pewna firma z Korei Południowej narusza jej patenty, wytwarzając po prostu kopie tych masek.


The man behind the design of the new Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon has predicted a long period of stagnation for architecture that will scar both the British landscape and the national economy. After the boom in the early years of the millennium, an era of paralysis lies ahead, according to Rab Bennetts.
Thousands turned out on 19 July 1970, as she was guided up the Avon river and into Bristol where she has been lovingly restored and is now one of the south-west's most popular tourists attractions.
Four years later, Bailey wrote that Venables had come to terms with what he'd done, having "moved through the normal sequence of psychological reactions: denial-disbelief, avoidance, sense of loss, experience of grief, ownership for his part in the murder . . . shame and remorse". He was said to be artistic and, as supervision in the unit was relaxed, to have enjoyed trips to those twin citadels of British cultural life, Stratford-upon-Avon and Old Trafford. Staff at Red Bank, the secure unit where he was held after his conviction for the Bulger murder, considered he posed no risk to the public, and he was released in June 2001. But the support that was in place during his imprisonment and immediately after his release seems to have weakened as time passed. The child and adolescent psychiatrist Arnon Bentovim, who saw Venables as a child and teenager, admits: "There is extensive therapeutic input for teenage offenders in special units. But afterwards the support is more patchy â?? with the result that the offender sometimes drifts back to old haunts and reoffends."
They scoured the rectangular building and the smart white chalk platform on top of the earth bank, with its spectacular view towards the river Avon in one direction, and the hills from which the giant sarsen stones were brought to Stonehenge in the other.
Avon and Somerset police question 39-year-old man over disappearance of Melanie Hall 14 years ago
Avon and Somerset police said the 39-year-old man was held on suspicion of the murder of Melanie Hall, whose remains were found at the side of the M5 last October by a workman clearing vegetation.
Completely. I was doing a talk show in Vancouver and somebody called in a bomb threat to protest my violence, which I thought was pretty strange. We had to evacuate. A reporter threw a microphone in my face and said, 'Greenpeace has condemned you as an eco-terrorist. What's your response?' I said, 'What would you expect from the Avon ladies of the environmental movement?' They've never forgiven me for that. But they called me an eco-terrorist. I was just responding.

I suppose Avon should know about it, though.
Myslę, zę Avon też powinien o tym wiedzieć.

Did you meet with Avon and not invite Pete?
Spotkałaś się z Avonem i nie zaprosiłaś Pete'a?

Joan, Andrew Hayes from Avon is on the phone for you.
Joan, Andrew Hayes z Avonu jest przy telefonie.

A business in my constituency, Avon Protection, is a world leader in the manufacture of gas masks.
Działająca w moim okręgu wyborczym firma Avon Protection jest światowym liderem w produkcji masek gazowych.

Avon believes that its patents have been infringed by a South Korean firm making what are quite simply copies.
Avon uważa, że pewna firma z Korei Południowej narusza jej patenty, wytwarzając po prostu kopie tych masek.

Joan has a lead for Avon Cosmetics.
Joan ma szanse u Avon Cosmetics.

I'm your local Avon representative.
Jestem lokalnym przedstawicielem firmy Avon.

Avon's stuff always be good.
Towar Avona zawsze będzie dobry.

My mother sold Avon.
Moja matka sprzedaje kosmetyki Avon.

And Bird worked for Avon?
A Bird pracował dla Avona?

Avon lady, where's my lipstick?
Avon lady, gdzie moja pomadka?

I'm from Avon and Somerset Energy.
Jestem z Avon & Somerset Energy. Uh - huh?

I called Abe Ruckman at the Avon Sexual Reassignment Clinic...
Dzwoniłem do Abe Ruckman z kliniki zmiany płci Avon...

In the specific case of Avon Protection, it would be appropriate for your constituent first to seek redress for the alleged infringement of the patent via the existing legal framework in Korea.
W konkretnym przypadku Avon Protection stosowne byłoby, aby Pański wyborca starał się w pierwszej kolejności dochodzić roszczeń związanych z zarzucanym naruszeniem patentowym przy wykorzystaniu ram prawnych istniejących w Korei.