ntr uniw. certificate of completion (of studies)
polit. vote of acceptance
approval, graduation with an ordinary degree~ dla polityka - vote of approval~ harmonogram poprzedzający udzielenie - the timetable leading up to discharge~ kontrola i udzielenie - external audit and discharge~ otrzymać - to be granted a vote of approval~ procedury udzielenia - discharge procedure~ sprawne zastosowanie procedury udzielania - smooth application of the discharge procedure~ udzielenie ze strony władzy budżetowej - discharge by the budgetary authority~ udzielić - to give a discharge~ komuś - to give sb. a discharge, to pass a vote of approval of sb.~ władzom spółki - to acknowledge fulfilment of duties~ ukończenie studiów - certificate of completion of studies/graduation~ uzyskać absolutorium - to complete one’s university studies
n exonertion udzielić zarządowi ~ to exonerate the management, to adopt the annual report of the management, to grant exoneration to the management
exoneration, vote of acceptance
uniw. graduation
certificate of university studies
certificate of completion
vote of approval